Pre-calentar la plancha, tu parilla o tu Panini Maker (Nota: Me encanta hacer los vegetales “a la parilla” en mi Panini Maker, quedan geniales, y es rapidísimo).
Cortar las puntas de los espárragos y condimentarlos con sal y pimienta.
Grillarlos por 5-6 minutos o hasta que veas las marquitas de la parilla. A mi me gustan crujientes, pero vos podes cocinarlos hasta el punto que te guste.
Mientras se cocinan los espárragos, cocinar la quínoa en 2 tazas de agua por 10-12 minutos.
Una vez absorba toda el agua condimentarla con aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta.
Servir al quínoa con el queso de cabra y los espárragos grillados para una ensalada rica, verde y sana.
1 bunch of fresh asparagus
1 cup of black quinoa
3 tablespoons of goat cheese
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Salt and Pepper
Pre-heat you grill or a grill pan over your countertop or even your Panini maker, if you have one (Note: I love grilling in my Panini Maker it’s really fast and really effective!).
Cut the ends off the asparagus, season them with salt and pepper and grill them for 5-6 minutes, or until you get grill marks.
I like them crunchy so I don’t leave them for long, but you can cook them to your taste.
While the asparagus are grilling, cook 1 cup of quinoa in 2 cups of water for 10-12 minutes.
Once it absorbs all the water, fluff it with a fork and season it with salt and pepper.
To serve place the quinoa in a bowl and top it with goat cheese and grilled asparagus for a super fast, green, healthy and good-for-you salad.